Here's the Truth About Pet Pigs, According to Pig Owners
Keeping a pet pig might sound fun, but it's nothing like having a dog. We turned to Reddit to find out what it's really like.
Meet the Adorably Fun Biewer Terrier
Do you know the Biewer terrier? Learn all about one of the American Kennel Club’s newer recognized dog breeds.
Fascinating Facts About Hungry Hungry Hippos in the Wild
Say hello to the hungry, hungry hippo — the most dangerous land animal in the world.
Everything You Need to Prepare for a New Dog
Adding a dog to your house is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful. Do these 30 things before getting a dog to make the transition easier on everyone.
15 Fascinating Things Dogs Can Smell That Humans Can’t
No matter the breed, all dogs are incredible sniffing machines, and we depend on their sense of smell in a variety of ways that benefit humans.
These Lazy Cat Breeds Make Excellent Couch Potatoes
Which are the laziest cat breeds that really like to sleep?
Do Dogs Sweat? How to Keep Canines Cool When It's Hot
Dogs don't sweat like humans do, but here's how you can make sure your pup is ready for the heat.
25 Fastest Dog Breeds on Earth
It'll be tough to keep up with these fastest dog breeds in the world.
Most Important Questions You Should Ask Your Vet
Your dog's regular vet visit is a chance to boost their longevity — you just have to know what questions to ask.
Meet the 3 Tallest Dog Breeds on the Planet
Learn more about three very tall and very lovable dog breeds.
Most Dangerous Spiders Lurking in the U.S.
The most dangerous spiders in the U.S. are guaranteed to spook even the bravest person who might cross one's path.
These Are the World's Most Beautiful Mammals
This list of the most majestic mammals of all time is subjective, but it's almost impossible to deny that each one of these animals is universally beautiful.
Most Hypoallergenic Dogs You Can Own
There are certain hypoallergenic dog breeds that live a lot better with allergy sufferers than others.
5 Best Small Dog Breeds to Own, Ranked
Little dog breeds tend to be some of the most affectionate and loyal dogs you can own.
Meet the World's Smallest Mammals
All five of these smallest mammals in the world clock in at about 1 ounce or smaller.
Top 5 Dog Breeds for Retirees, Ranked
Some dog breeds are better for retirees than others.
10 Most Trustworthy Dog Breeds, Ranked
Which dog breeds are the most trustworthy of all?
Flaco, New York's Celebrity Owl, Found Dead After Crash
New York residents are mourning the loss of Flaco, the Central Park owl, after he was reported dead.
5 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds You Can Own
Which dog breeds are the most intelligent? These ones are sure to impress.
10 Scariest Dog Breeds, Ranked
Not all dog breeds are created equal. In fact, these scariest dog breeds invoke fear in some of those whose paths they cross.
These Animals Have No Natural Predators
Some animals have evolved to be at the top of the food chain in their habitats, with no natural predators to fear.
Most Popular Dog Breed the Year You Were Born
Which dog breed was the most popular the year you were born?
What to Know About the Fatal Dog Disease Spreading Across the U.S.
Here's what you need to know to lower your pet's risk.
15 Most Dangerous (and Deadliest) Mammals in the World
Some of these animals are obviously dangerous. But others will surprise you.
Strangest Cat Behaviors and What They Mean
Consider this a cheat sheet to all your cat's weird meows.
These Animals Seem Docile — But Are Actually Dangerous
Your chances of any of these animals attacking you are slim, but they're never zero.
15 Things You Should Know Before Bringing Home a Mini Dachshund
Good things come in hot dog-shaped packages.
Animal Behaviors Are Shifting Due to Climate Change
Climate change is affecting how animals behave and evolve.
15 Least Obedient Cat Breeds, Ranked
These breeds deserve all your love — just be prepared to deal with their rebellious side.
10 Small Dog Breeds Proven to Make Us the Happiest
According to Twitter, these small dog breeds make their owners happier than any other breeds out there.
10 Most Unusual Service Animals That Actually Help a Lot
Who knew that critters with spikes could help our mental health?
Surprising Health Benefits of Owning a Dog
Forget a gym membership. Get a dog instead.
People Dressed Up Their Horses for Halloween and It's Haylarious
If no one dresses up their horse as Forrest Jump, they're dropping the ball.
Some Employers Are Allowing Dogs at the Office, and We're Here for It
That awkward moment your favorite coworker has four legs.
Best Dog Breeds for Babies
Which of these delightful dog breeds will be the perfect furry companion for your little one?
50 Most Popular Dog Breeds, Ranked
Check out our ranking of the 50 most popular dog breeds — which ones are your favorite?
Dog Breeds That Thrive Indoors
Before you commit to life with a canine companion, make sure you’re familiar with the best indoor dog breeds that love indoor life.
Best Dog Breeds for All 12 Horoscope Signs
Here are the best dog breeds for all 12 horoscope signs, from determined Aries to empathetic Pisces.
10 Popular Dog Breeds That Most People Regret Getting
Huskies are amazing, but they're not for everyone.
39 Best Emotional Support Dog Breeds
It's been proven by science — emotional support dogs are good for your mental health.
Dog Breeds With the Shortest Lifespans
Certain dog breeds are prone to diseases, but knowing how to treat them could help your dog's chance at a longer life.
24 Friendliest Dog Breeds for Your Family
Looking for man's best friend? Try one of these friendliest dog breeds.
Best Dog Names for Your Pooch
Check out the 25 most popular girl and boy dog names from the American Kennel Club.
Top 20 Dog Movies of All Time, Ranked
You don’t have to be a dog owner to love these top dog movies.
If These 10 Species Go Extinct, We’re Screwed
If bees go, we all go.
These Walrus Facts Completely Stumped Us
Get to know the wonderful walrus and the challenges it encounters in a consistently changing environment.
Instagram's Most Famous Dog-Mom Bonds Are Everything
Instagram’s most famous dog moms make parenting pups look easy.
Charming Ways Dogs Are Just Like Having Kids
Here are several ways dogs are exactly like children, earning them their title as “fur babies.”
The Most Popular Dog Accounts on Social Media
Get your fluff fix with these doggo social media accounts.
People Dressed Up Their Exotic Pets for Halloween, and We Can’t Stop Laughing
Who knew there were costumes for snakes?
Longest Animal Pregnancies, Ranked
And we thought nine months was long.
15 Coolest Extinct Animals We Wish We Could Meet
Forget huskies. We want a pet dire wolf.
40 Funny Dog Jokes That Will Make You Howl
This collection of funny dog jokes is doggone funny.