National Dog Day and 24 Other Fun Animal Holidays
There is nothing like celebrating animals. Whether you’re a dog, horse, monkey or bird lover, there is a day, week and month for you. And if you like celebrating all animals, your life is going to be full of parties because there’s an animal holiday to celebrate every month of the year.
From National Dog Day to the annual Guischan Gathering, check out some of the fun things we do to honor animals.
National Bird Day
Animal involved: Birds
Date celebrated: Jan. 5
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States
The Avian Welfare Coalition created National Bird Day on Jan. 5, 2002, as a way to raise awareness to the cruelty of the bird trade and bird breeding mills and to also help improve the welfare of birds in captivity. To celebrate National Bird Day, the coalition offers ways for people to advocate on behalf of birds as well as educational suggestions and resources for kids.
Squirrel Appreciation Day
Animal involved: Squirrel
Date celebrated: Jan. 21
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States, Europe
In 2001, a wildlife rehabilitator, Christy Hargrove, started a National Squirrel Appreciation Day in the United States. Little did she know the day would gain fame and spread, not just across the nation but to other parts of the world, too. She wanted people to understand squirrels and the important role they play in the ecosystem — squirrels often bury nuts that they never dig back up, thus reforesting every year! The day is celebrated in any way that sheds positivity on squirrels, including creating backyard obstacle courses for them.
Groundhog Day
Animal involved: Groundhog
Date celebrated: Feb. 2
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States
Perhaps one of the most famous “animal holidays,” Groundhog Day happens every year on Feb. 2, when the fine folks at Gobblers Knob rustle Punxsutawney Phil from his home to see if he will forecast six more weeks of winter or an early spring. Originally tied to the Christian holiday of Candlemas, it was in Germany where the first animal — a hedgehog at the time — was used to predict the weather. When those settlers came to the U.S., they brought the tradition with them, swapping one type of hog for another.
Cat Day
Animal involved: Cat
Date celebrated: Feb. 17
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Parts of Europe
Cat owners know they really don’t need a holiday to worship their feline companions — they demand that every day! Yet, there are many cat holidays throughout the year. One is Feb. 17, celebrated as Cat Day in Europe. In Poland, Dzie Kota is celebrated widely, with people sharing photos of their kitties on social media, preparing feasts for them or even adding a new feline to the house through adoption.
World Spay Day
Animal involved: Dogs and cats
Date celebrated: Last Tuesday in February
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Worldwide
World Spay Day was created to encourage pet owners to spay and neuter their pets as well as to fix feral animals. Organizations all over the world participate through advocacy, outreach and offering free or reduced spays and neuters on the last Tuesday in February.
Velas Turtle Festival
Animal involved: Olive Ridley Turtles
Date celebrated: February to March
Where it’s primarily celebrated: India
Each year, people head to Village Velas in Taluka, located on the western coast of India, to help the newborn baby Olive Ridley Turtles reach the sea. Vishwas (Bhau) Katdhare of Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra is the NGO organization that created the event in 2002, in which people provide protection to ensure the baby sea turtles are not hunted before they can reach the sea. Tourists and photographers also come to watch the babies as they take their first struggling rows toward the ocean. According to the Velas Turtle Festival website, it’s the only “animal day” that India celebrates.
World Wildlife Day
Animal involved: All wild animals
Date celebrated: March 3
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Worldwide
World Wildlife Day was created during the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2013. March 3 was the chosen day to “celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants.” Each year, there are global events around the world that fulfill this mission.
Saint Gertrude of Nivelles Day
Animal involved: Cat
Date celebrated: March 17
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Catholic Church
While many know of March 17 as St. Patrick’s Day, those with an affinity for cats most likely celebrate Saint Gertrude of Nivelles Day. Given the “patron saint of cats” title in the 1980s, she is celebrated on the day she died, which happens to be March 17, 659 A.D. The reason she is linked to cats is anyone’s guess, though Rev. Brenda Griffin Warren believes it may have something to do with the fact that most of her portraits include mice in them.
National Puppy Day
Animal involved: Dog
Date celebrated: March 23
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States
Celebrating all things puppy is not hard, so it’s no surprise that National Puppy Day has grown quickly in the United States. Celebrated on March 23, it’s a day for people to show off their puppies — or dogs that are “puppies at heart.” Celebrities often get in on the action, like in 2021 when “The Kelly Clarkson Show” celebrated with a song called “Ode to Henry.”
World Stray Animals Day
Animal involved: Any stray, usually dogs and cats
Date celebrated: April 4
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States
On April 4, people all over celebrate World Stray Animals Day as a way to bring awareness to stray animals. Nonprofit organizations like Animal Rescue Charity use the day as a way to fundraise, spread advocacy and educate the public on how they can help stray animals.
International Search and Rescue Dog Day
Animal involved: Dogs
Date celebrated: Last Sunday in April
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Worldwide
International Search and Rescue Dog Day began in Austria in 2008 as a way to recognize the important work search and rescue dogs do every day. On this day, training organizations like IRO set up demonstrations, events and even trials to showcase what dogs do for us and why we should honor them.
National Service Animal Eye Exam Month
Animal involved: Dogs
Date celebrated: Month of May
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States and Canada
Each May, we celebrate service animals with National Service Animal Eye Exam Month. During this time, those with service animals can get free eye exams for them at veterinary offices throughout the U.S. and Canada.
National Rescue Dog Day
Animal involved: Dog
Date celebrated: May 20
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States
May 20 is National Rescue Dog Day, where owners of rescues celebrate them, advocates fundraise and soon-to-be owners head to shelters to rescue a new best friend. Lisa Wiehebrink of Tails that Teach founded National Rescue Dog Day “to bring awareness to the countless number of amazing dogs in shelters waiting to be adopted, to promote humane education for young children and to encourage spay/neuter.”
World Pet Memorial Day
Animal involved: All pets
Date celebrated: Second Tuesday in June
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States
The pain of losing a pet is hard to get over. For many, it lingers year after year. The American Veterinary Medical Association created World Pet Memorial Day to give pet owners a day to celebrate those that have crossed the rainbow bridge. Many mark the day with posts of photos of beloved pets on social media, using the #worldpetmemorialday hashtag.
National Eagle Day/American Eagle Day/Bald Eagle Day
Animal involved: Eagle
Date celebrated: June 20
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States
Each year on June 20, the United States celebrates the day the bald eagle was chosen as its national symbol. According to the American Eagle Foundation, “Proclamations have been issued by governors in 49 states designating June 20 as American Eagle Day.” Organizations use the day to raise awareness for the endangered eagles and to promote volunteerism and donations to help clean up and preserve their habitats.
Guischan Gathering
Animal involved: Golden Retriever
Date celebrated: Mid-July
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Scotland
Every year in July, the Golden Retriever Club of Scotland organizes a pilgrimage to the Guisachan estate, where the breed was developed. Retriever owners come with the dogs for a celebration of all things golden, complete with Scottish fare, dancers and pipes. Since it began, the Guischan Gathering has increased in size each year, with hundreds of golden retrievers and their owners coming to the celebration.
National Craft for Your Local Shelters Day
Animal involved: All
Date celebrated: July 21
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States
This fun celebration is meant to be done at your home, with friends or at a larger event. The point is to make things that your local shelters could use, such as blankets, pet beds, towels and so on. Most shelters will post how-tos and DIY ideas for those looking to make something for National Craft for Your Local Shelters Day.
DOGust Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs
Animal involved: Any rescued dog
Date celebrated: Aug. 1
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Worldwide
North Shore Animal League America is the world’s largest no-kill animal rescue organization. It created DOGust to give those who have adopted a dog a date to celebrate their birthdays! Many shelters across the U.S. also hold special events on Aug. 1 for those looking to add to their family.
National Dog Day
Animal involved: Dog
Date celebrated: Aug. 26
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Worldwide
Not that we need a day that gives us an excuse to celebrate all things dog, but Aug. 26 is set aside for just that each year. Established in 2004, National Dog Day gives us a chance, not just to show off our own best friends on social media, but also to do some good for dogs in need through volunteering or donations.
Remember Me Thursday
Animal involved: Shelter pets
Date celebrated: Thursday in September
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Worldwide
Remember Me Thursday is a newer holiday that uses social media as a way to raise awareness for pets waiting in shelters and those that pass away without ever getting a second chance. Started in 2021, the day immediately garnered participation from people all over the world, with more than 1.5 billion impressions on social media. It’s easy to get involved by simply posting to social media using their hashtags or by learning about or creating events near you.
Bird Festival of Chile
Animal involved: Birds
Date celebrated: Last week of October
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Chile
Every year in October, Chile has a huge celebration in honor of its native birds. The Bird Festival of Chile includes all kinds of activities, including chances to see the native birds in their natural habitats with guided tours. There is also a fair with dozens of fun crafts and activities as well as demonstrations showcasing Chilean birds.
Woolly Worm Festival
Animal involved: Woolly Worm
Date celebrated: Third Weekend of October
Where it’s primarily celebrated: North Carolina
Believe it or not, there is an entire festival dedicated to the black and orange woolly worm. Each year in Banner Elk, North Carolina, tourists and locals alike get together to celebrate this brightly colored caterpillar that they say predicts the weather. According to the Woolly Worm Festival website, “It is believed that if the woolly worm has more brown on its body than black, it will be a fair winter. If the woolly worm has more black than brown, the winter will be harsh.”
The festival draws more than 16,000 people to check out the food and activities, including worm racing, dancing and more.
Kukur Tihar
Animal involved: Dogs
Date celebrated: Second day of Diwali, early November
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Nepal
Each year in early November, Nepal celebrates dogs with the Kukur Tihar. During this festival, which is part of the larger Tihar festival, crowds gather to worship dogs — whether owned or strays — by decorating them with flower garlands, blessing them with a tikka (red and yellow dot or marking on their forehead) and, of course, feeding them well.
Monkey Buffet Festival
Animal involved: Macaque
Date celebrated: Last Sunday of November
Where it’s primarily celebrated: Thailand
Once a year in November, the Macaque monkeys are treated to a feast the likes of which you have probably never seen. The Monkey Buffet Festival in Lopburi, Thailand, involves setting out hundreds of pounds of fresh fruit, along with cans of Coke at temples, as presents to the native Macaque population.
National Day of the Horse
Animal involved: Horse
Date celebrated: Dec. 13
Where it’s primarily celebrated: United States
Each year on Dec. 13, equine lovers all over the United States spend even more time gushing about their horse than they do on a normal day-to-day basis — and that’s saying something. It was designated as National Day of the Horse by Congress in 2004. Since then, it has grown in popularity with events as well as people sharing their stories on social media with the #NationalDayoftheHorse hashtag.